how the web should work (and did in this case)
I love seeing live music. but now I find that I’m just not getting out the way I used to. that changed a bit in the last few weeks, thanks to social media.
I love seeing live music. but now I find that I’m just not getting out the way I used to. that changed a bit in the last few weeks, thanks to social media.
customers have far more ability to research vendors and their offerings than in the past. moreover, the information that prospects are receiving is not static – it’s a dynamic, constantly growing pool including data from far more sources, especially peer input. what should marketers do to respond?
via get past the interesting accent and oddly machine-like intonation of the narrator, and you’ve got an interesting look at how the web is evolving. connected always and everywhere – great and scary. courtesy of “dutch think tank EPN” (ah, the accent) via, moderator of #smchat on twitter Posted via web from btodd
Your Google 10 is the top ten results that appear when someone does a Google search for your name. How do you go about ensuring you own all ten spots? Surprisingly, it’s not that hard. Here are some of the sites and profiles you’ll want to grab and pay attention to. via
what do the changing demographics mean for facebook users? for the growing number of businesses and organizations seeking to use the service to communicate with those users? read on…
so I have three blogs now. given that my original blog still has that new car smell, am I being disloyal in test driving alternative transportation? allow me to explain.
the case for stirring some personality into your (or your organization’s) social media recipe
based on a post completely unrelated to social media, I wax prolix on the kindness of strangers
a great article this week about the lupus foundation of america and its success in using social media as a fundraising platform. but is “show me the money” the only question nonprofits should be asking?
broad-based is key if you want to make social media a lead generation system. blog. facebook. youtube. twitter. they all feed each other.