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we cluster and filter, follow and unfollow, shaping our online communities to our own world view. what happens to the perspective we need to think critically and create entities – relationships, organizations, economies – that rest on stable, balanced foundations?
last year, mark zuckerberg and the crew at facebook took a sow’s ear of a product launch and produced a silk purse with facebook connect. here’s how, and why the timing is better this time around
fans of, especially those of the male persuasion, drew a heavy sigh of disappointment earlier this year when founding editor gina trapani announced her departure. lifehacker assured readers that gina would still be posting regularly, and happily that has come to pass. nice to have you back, gina.
a love letter to deep thinking and the grateful dead, too!
mole·hill | pronunciation: \ˈmōl-ˌhil\ | function:noun | date: 15th century
1. the small mound of earth thrown up by a burrowing mole
2. make a mountain out of a molehill to exaggerate an unimportant matter out of all proportion
one feature in the facebook redesign that got pulled back almost immediately was the introduction of a live feed. well, it’s back, but it’s wiping its feet at the door.
a·twit·ter (-twtr)
Being in a state of nervous excitement; twittering: a crowd atwitter with expectation.
we have seen oversharing can be harmful to one’s career aspirations or even lead to arrest. it behooves you to learn about and use available tools and settings so you stay in charge of what various people in your life see about you. as one historical figure notes:
“so long as the laws remain such as they are today, employ some discretion: loud opinion forces us to do so; but in privacy and silence let us compensate ourselves for that cruel chastity we are obliged to display in public.” – marquis de sade
In the wake of ashton kutcher’s hitting 1MM followers and oprah’s virgin tweet, veteran tweeters have been sounding off like those two geezers on sesame street. Twitter ain’t dead, baby – it’s just evolving.