attribution: if you didn’t write it, cite it
poor attribution creates uncertainty. uncertainty results in delay and (sometimes) flawed choices based on imperfect information. stand for clarity.
general social media
poor attribution creates uncertainty. uncertainty results in delay and (sometimes) flawed choices based on imperfect information. stand for clarity.
linkedin suggested endorsements go beyond the skills you claim to have. how to handle rogue endorsements from well-meaning connections on linkedin?
the nlrb ruled this month that costco’s social media policies were too broad and infringed on employee free speech. the ruling has implications beyond the world of unionized labor, however.
social media marketing isn’t rocket science, or even sliced bread. what it is is a new way of interacting with prospects and customers. hell, even the idea of interacting is new. the army of social media “experts” thinks about this stuff all day. we understand how it ties into traditional marketing. sales. customer service. but not everybody does. it is not their fault!
if there is not immediate jubilation about the power of social media, it may not be just the client that doesn’t get it.
rapportive, a plug-in for gmail, provides background information from the social web about people with whom you correspond. new updates bring the product closer to being an essential tool for many gmail users.
never heard of rapportive? well, they’ve heard of you, and they’re sharing that info with all your gmail contacts. a “social crm” plugin for gmail provides a 360 view of people with whom you correspond. but is the full monty treatment appropriate for all your contacts? and what are people seeing about you?
twitter is not inherently credible, but it enables interaction that leads to credibility. a conversation does not confer good faith by its existence. it is the first step toward a relationship. linkedin, on the other hand, presumes relationships between connections. the linkedin connection does (or should) confer good faith from the moment the invitation is accepted.
the buzz keeps getting louder. web 2.0 is not only making the world a smaller place – it is making it easier to find out about and interact with people and businesses in your own backyard. here’s some of the smart phone applications that are making it happen.
google saves the day with places directory, a google labs app that uses geo location and user recommendations to create a great user experience. and in this case, delicious!