don’t let sponsored content leave you singing the blues
do sponsored content native advertising, work? yes, if they’re done right. marketers must take care to avoid situations where the audience feels deceived.
tip and tricks for bloggers
do sponsored content native advertising, work? yes, if they’re done right. marketers must take care to avoid situations where the audience feels deceived.
poor attribution creates uncertainty. uncertainty results in delay and (sometimes) flawed choices based on imperfect information. stand for clarity.
on-page search optimization is as valuable as ever, even as definitions and strategies for off-page seo are in flux
yeah, you’re doing it wrong. your site sucks. and your branding? I don’t even want to talk about it. but hey – pay me, and I’ll talk about it all you want.
the hills are alive with content strategy lessons. do _you_ solve your problems like maria?
embedding links in youtube videos boosts engagement and clicks. will the same thing happen with thinglink’s links in images?
I will no longer re-blog whole posts on my posterous site. it obscures authorship and transparency
social media is based on shared content. sometimes the definition of sharing can get a little vague, especially regarding attribution
if you have a blog, it generally offers to organize your timeless prose into categories that you define. there is the implication that unless you have a specific post in one or more categories, no one who reads it will know what the hell it’s about. it’s not like there’s some cadre of obsessive librarians
great content? essential.
creating said content? challenging.
herein some tips on making it a little easier. it all starts with google reader…