b2c email has one purpose – to elicit an action. effective email content facilitates that action. It might be a promotion alert. It might be news about a related product or service. it might be obvious like a supermarket flyer, or more subtle, like a company newsletter. whatever – just make it easy for email recipients to do what you want, and more of them will do it. sounds simple, right?
the most common facilitator is the humble link. I had an email from levelup this morning telling me I could get $4 every month just by switching payment method from credit card to debit. it sounded cool, so I looked for the link to log in to my account.
it wasn’t there.
there was a reference to my current balance, indicating some effort went into personalization.points for engagement-building. but no facilitating URL?
they did include an email address, presumably for people wanting levelup to change the card number for them (“oh, and while you’re at it, pick up something pretty for yourself.”)
I used it to ask them to include a link to my account login in their next request for me to change a setting in said account. If you want them to do something, make it easy for your email recipients.