wouldn’t you like to be my neighbor too?
mr. rogers said it long ago, and it’s still true. it’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
mr. rogers said it long ago, and it’s still true. it’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
we cluster and filter, follow and unfollow, shaping our online communities to our own world view. what happens to the perspective we need to think critically and create entities – relationships, organizations, economies – that rest on stable, balanced foundations?
a·twit·ter (-twtr)
Being in a state of nervous excitement; twittering: a crowd atwitter with expectation.
In the wake of ashton kutcher’s hitting 1MM followers and oprah’s virgin tweet, veteran tweeters have been sounding off like those two geezers on sesame street. Twitter ain’t dead, baby – it’s just evolving.
I posted about getting Facebook under control in response to the torrent of complaints that followed the service’s recent makeover. In my life, however, managing Twitter is is a much bigger issue. A Mashable post last December identified some useful tweak and tricks for managing the Twitter stream. I link to that and add a few; more to follow.
A recent Hubspot blog post asserts that using numbers or underscores in a Twitter user name can be harmful to one’s follower count. But is there another reason why @JoeSmith rates higher than @JoeSmith666?