all a-twitter over twicca
call me fickle, but my search for the app grail has unearth twicca, a twitter client for android that makes me want to take it home to meet mom. if mom was a twitter user. which she’s not.
call me fickle, but my search for the app grail has unearth twicca, a twitter client for android that makes me want to take it home to meet mom. if mom was a twitter user. which she’s not.
you can tweak your linkedin profile to let other users know you viewed their profile. here is why it’s smart. and how to do it.
facebook used to allow users to change the opening screen from the default “all friends” to a subset created as a friend list. that ability got lost in one of the remodelings the service did recently, and the new navigation makes it a pain to access your friend lists. there is still a way to open facebook to a friend list you choose. here’s how to do it in the chrome browser; I will update later today when I figure out how to do it on firefox.
don’t accept linkedin defaults for your website links. customize your links to make your profile more user-friendly and searchable!
never heard of rapportive? well, they’ve heard of you, and they’re sharing that info with all your gmail contacts. a “social crm” plugin for gmail provides a 360 view of people with whom you correspond. but is the full monty treatment appropriate for all your contacts? and what are people seeing about you?
some more good news for privacy-loving facebook users. facebook announced new privacy controls for content shared through applications.
great content? essential.
creating said content? challenging.
herein some tips on making it a little easier. it all starts with google reader…
most of the criticism of google’s new service has focused on the service’s auto-follow feature. I’m not all that worried about who google thinks I should be following and/or follows on my behalf. I’m more concerned about the other side of the coin – the absence of good controls over who follows me.
make sure you can take your linkedin profiled with you if you move on. here’s something to verify (or change) today to ensure your social media persona (at least the linkedin piece of it) is with you for the long haul.
there’s some good advice out there on how to use social media tools, and there’s some that leave you shaking your head. herein some corrective surgery on a linkedin tip I read today.