I’d like to take a moment to discuss a chief benefit of participating in social media. it offers a socially acceptable way to eavesdrop on people smarter than me and learn cool new stuff literally every day.
yesterday’s nugget was particularly helpful – and, as you can see, pretty easy to explain!
more and more people are archiving their lives on facebook. pictures, videos, a thriving farmville empire – up it goes into the cloud. and for some, lives on to embarrass another day. for most of us though, facebook provides a nice alternative to the photo albums and scrapbooks of yore. we can share them easily, access them whenever we want without fear of dust and mold.
but what happens to the cloud when a giant comet (or even a reasonably sized one) strikes the earth? or when mark zuckerberg goes mad I tell you completely mad and says, “I have enough money; time for another project.” and throws the switch, making facebook go dark forever?
well, if you know wayne or read blogs like this one, nothing! because you will have already harvested your stockpile of memories into a handy zip file:
1) go to your account settings
2) choose download your information
3) wait for the magic!
there are third party resources that promise to do the same thing (see link to backupify below). the process above provides an easy way for the average facebook user to make sure they have access to treasured facebook memories FOREVER….muah hahahahaha….
thanks again to wayne and jeff!
Related articles
- New Service Lets You Backup Your Facebook Pages (allfacebook.com)