#rva after a long time away. symmetrically degreed (ba, ma, mba)
teacher, recovering marketer
a few years ago, I decided it was time to dig into a long percolating interest in teaching. I signed up to be a substitute teacher in several towns around Boston. most education peeps will tell that subbing is not really teaching
in my previous life, I explored the intersection of technology and communications from the first days of the world wide web. I created my first client website in 1995 for a vermont state agency and never looked back. the peak was when I served as an account director for an interactive marketing agency. I helped clients amplify messaging to expand reach across new and traditional channels. inbound marketing & social media. direct and electronic mail, telemarketing & advertising. I still dabble, if it catches my interest.
read me
btrandolph.net | you are here
b(eing) todd | even more random
#socialmediabeyondallrecognition | the soft white underbelly of social media
find me
click on any of the icons at top right to find me on your favorite social outpost. you can get a better idea of my work history from my linkedin profile.

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