just a quick one pimping two posts this holiday weekend on my other blogs.
1) I posted here a while back on twitter apps for my new droid. I had a big sloppy crush on xeeku. it was the first to incorporate twitter lists and it was so. pretty. other players caught up quick on the lists thing and even with a pricey premium app, xeeku failed to overcome a few niggling criticisms I had. find out who I think rocks twitter on the droid now over on ‘let’s hear it for the droid’ (hint: it rhymes with beespic)
2) I came across sort of a snarky post that reminded me of those really snobby people in caddyshack. it was about people magazine’s list of top twitter users. the usual suspects. anyway, I fire back over wanting it both ways on ‘socialmediabeyondallrecognition,’ aka smbar.